The Next Generation of Liquid Cooling (1)

Featured Industry Report: The Future of Liquid Cooling in AI Computing and the Value of Negative Pressure Technology

Submit the form to download our latest report and discover how Chilldyne's innovative negative pressure liquid cooling solution is providing data center efficiency and reliability. As AI computing pushes traditional air cooling to its limits, liquid cooling has become a necessity for modern data centers. Learn how Chilldyne's patented system:

  • Eliminates the risk of leaks, reduces costs, and simplifies maintenance
  • Enables high-performance computing with a proven track record, including a successful deployment at Sandia National Labs since October 2019 with zero downtime and no leaks
  • Offers the potential to save 53 million tons of carbon emissions worldwide through widespread adoption
  • Provides lower installation costs, easier maintenance, and improved uptime compared to alternative cooling methods

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About Chilldyne

Chilldyne delivers reliable, leak-proof direct-to-chip (DTC) liquid cooling solutions. The company’s patented, fail-safe systems use advanced negative pressure technology and smart redundancy to prevent leaks and maximize uptime. Easy to install and maintain, Chilldyne delivers reliable, efficient, and sustainable liquid cooling systems that offer superior heat removal performance while minimizing environmental impact.


About the Authors

Dr. Steve Harrington, Founder & CEO

Dr. Harrington started Flometrics in 1995 while working on a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering, focusing on fluid dynamics. At Flometrics, he helped design laser cooling systems for ASML, medical ventilators for Respironics, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cooling systems for Northrop Grumman, improvised explosive device (IED) excavation robots for the Department of Defense, and rocket fuel pumps for DARPA.

Throughout his professional and personal life, Dr. Harrington worked with airflow and liquid flow technology. He taught aerospace engineering at UCSD, where his students designed, built, and flew liquid-fueled rockets. He invented PerfectSwell® surf technology that is now manufactured and distributed worldwide by American Wave Machines. Dr. Harrington holds a dozen U.S. patents and is named on more than 25 in total.

In 2011, Dr. Harrington founded Chilldyne to bring his engineering, fluid dynamics, and electronics cooling expertise to the data center. His personal goal is to reduce energy consumption and the carbon impact of data centers globally by deploying liquid cooling to as many servers as possible. Widespread adoption of liquid cooling could save 1.5 gigatons of carbon over the next 30 years. Chilldyne’s goal is to make this carbon reduction a reality by offering an easy-to-use, low-cost, and reliable liquid cooling system.


Gary Rowe, Executive Chairman

Mr. Rowe is an accomplished entrepreneur, technology industry analyst/visionary and senior executive. His passion and career focus has been on identifying disruptive solutions supporting large enterprises in areas such as network/Internet standards, security/risk management, distributed ledger, identity management, and next-generation liquid cooling solutions.

After 20 years of executive leadership positions with large computer and networking companies Mr. Rowe moved to an entrepreneurial focus as he architected, built and achieved successful exits for three companies and supported several others. He was President of Burton Group for 12 years, the leading technology infrastructure research firm through the sale to Gartner, the largest tech analyst firm in the world. He was then Co-President of Gartner for Technical Professionals (GTP). After leaving Gartner, Mr. Rowe formed TechVision Research, a leading analyst firm providing actionable research and consulting for Global 1000 enterprises.

Mr. Rowe has been on Chilldyne's Board of Directors for the past 10 years and has served as the Executive Chairman over the past 3 years.


Contact Info

David Shepard, Sales Director
+1 (619) 980-2644