How Does Chilldyne’s Negative Pressure Liquid Cooling Work?

Chilldyne’s negative pressure liquid cooling systems operate on negative pressure. But what does this mean? How does a negative pressure liquid cooling system differ from a positive pressure liquid cooling system? And how do Chilldyne’s negative pressure liquid cooling systems prevent leaks in the datacenter? Check out the video above to find out!

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Sandia’s Liquid Cooled Data Center Boosts Efficiency and Resiliency

When Sandia installed the 650-kW Attaway supercomputer at their Albuquerque HPC data center in 2019, they sought innovative cooling concepts that would reduce the massive computer system’s significant energy use. Technology partner Chilldyne offered a unique solution: a liquid system that operates under vacuum pressure for resilient, energy-efficient data center cooling. The Chilldyne cooling system…

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